Fact Sheet

  • Trikafta is a life-saving, game changing medication that helps 90% of the CF community. This triple combination medication is 3-5X better than the previous medications Orkambi & Symdeko, helping to prevent organ damage and adding years if not decades to the lives of those with CF. The earlier Trikafta is started, the more years gained (predicted to be as high as +45 years).
  • Trikafta helps the most common type of CF, the F508del mutation. Trikafta is listed on the PBS for those aged 12+, but more than 500 children aged 6-11 are waiting for access. Many of these children are not eligible for any medication that treats the cause of their CF, relying on older, less effective treatments.
  • Trikafta was developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Studies have showed increased lung function, reduced exacerbations and fewer hospitalisations. Trikafta helps people go back to school, work, have a family and live a longer, healthier life. It helps the young ones to enjoy a healthy childhood with significantly less time unwell and in hospital.
  • Trikafta received a positive recommendation at the November 2022 PBAC meeting, however has gone backwards to the PBAC in March 2023 as negotiations failed.
  • Price $277,875AUD – the high price has placed it out of reach for those with CF. 
  • There were more than 150,000 signatures across several petitions in 2021-2022, showing very strong community support for Trikafta and the need for a faster system in terms of medicine access. 
  • Currently approved in 30 countries for those aged 6-11.
  • Currently half of people with CF pass away by age 36 in Australia – this is why we need urgent access.